Software Automation Test Engineer

اپلیکیشن های تجاری

تمام وقت

مشخصه‌های مورد نیاز
جنسیت مهم نیست
وضعیت نظام وظیفه پایان خدمت
حداقل مدرک تحصیلی کارشناسی
سن مهم نیست
حداقل سابقه کار 2 سال
درباره شغل
About the role
As a software automation test engineer , you’re daily struggling with testing newly developed features and enhancing the quality of existing features. Your role involves doing different activities to make sure our testing methods, both manual and automated, are well-planned, executed, and updated for old and new projects. You will use software engineering practices to share information, feedback, and knowledge about software quality and development processes to produce error-free applications.


Acceptance/API testing of mobile and web products, find their potential bugs and properly report them
Develop and maintain automated test scripts to avoid regression issues and accelerate testing time
Participate in meetings to review requirements, discuss test approach, talk about test dependencies and pre-requirements, plan releases, demo features, and investigate problems
Design efficient test cases to make sure new features work as expected and document test scenarios for future reference
Prioritize test cases and design a thorough test run before each release
Communicate defects with other team members for further investigation
Define bug severity and use related tools to prepare detailed bug reports

Job Requirements:

Proficient with concepts of APIs, web-based and mobile applications
More than 2 years of related experience
Experience in Python and Robot Framework
Familiar with git commands
Experience with API testing tools like Postman, Swagger …
Experience with Selenium or Appium
Exhibit hands-on knowledge in developing automated testing
Experience in working with test management tools like TestRail
Experience in writing SQL queries
Familiar with the CI/CD concept
Familiar with Monitoring and Log Management tools such as Kibana and Grafana
Good English language skills
Written communicator, able to document software behavior and submit bug reports
Exploratory thinking with a problem-solving attitude
Strong software debugging skills
Bachelor/ Master degree in Computer, IT, Engineering or similar relevant field
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