Data scientist

هوشمند سازی

تمام وقت

مشخصه‌های مورد نیاز
جنسیت مهم نیست
وضعیت نظام وظیفه پایان خدمت
حداقل مدرک تحصیلی کارشناسی
سن از 20 تا 45
حداقل سابقه کار 3 سال
درباره شغل
• Excellent programming skill in Python
• Deep understanding and Excellent programming skill of OOP concepts
• Deep understanding clean coding
• Deep understanding to work with Pandas, Numpy
• Deep understanding to work with flask, fastAPI, django
• Deep understanding to work with socketio, asyncio, celery
• Have experiences to work with SQL(PostgreSQL, MsSQL, MySQL) and NoSQL (MongoDB) and Redis

• Team working
• Strong Communication Skill
• learning is high priority for you
• Multi task
• Familiar with agile concept
• Can work under pressure

Has positive point:
• Familiar with design patterns like: Abstract Factory, Singleton
• Google APIs (Sheets, Analytics, GCP)
• Machine Learning with sklearn, tensorflow2

• Familiar with jira

• Familiar with agile concept

• Familiar with basic conflict management
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